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Install the Surftruck Adapter Kit 

For this tutorial you will need

surfskate truck adapter kit

Surftruck Adapter Kit

clean wood board

Your Board

2 x Spanners N.8

Allen Key 2.5mm

1| What is the surftruck adapter kit

Lead Developer

The adapter kit consists in 2 pieces: a surf truck, with a lot of movement, alowing to practice your surf skills and maneuvers. And a unique suspension piece – the first on the market. You will barely noticy, but it really smooth your rides. It works as a riser, avoiding willbytes and allowing critical curves when you turn the board.

Lead Developer

The surftruck, a suspension piece and two types of screws: the smaller ones, that goes in the back with the suspension, and the bigger ones goes on the front with the surf truck adapter piece.
3| Necessary Tools

Lead Developer

You need only 2 extra tools to install the kit:
4| Disassemble the Trucks of you skate

Lead Developer

5| Surf the Streets!

Lead Developer

Pop on your newly surfskate and have fun!

See how easy?
Turn any skate in a surfskate.

Select a Pickup Point